The Independents – Episode Five – STD Horror Movie! A Doubleclicks Music Video, and just a little Portland Bashing


Jason talks about It Follows – an STD Horror movie – and it was fantastic! Ben admits that he likes the remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (he thinks it’s beautiful). We get an update on the music video Jason has wrangled Ben into working with him for the Doubleclicks, a geek music group well loved by the geek community (Yay!).  Jason admits he likes to shoot from the hip, Ben isn’t so sure about that, especially with a video shoot with live cats! They digress into Portland bashing (a little, #!*&#%@ rollerblader!) but they still love it here. There’s a little talk about Ben’s giant dog Chuck (he’s  190lb St. Bernard) and then Ben talks about a short film he’s editing and the difficulties he’s having as many of the shots have bad continuity issues, greatly limiting his options for cuts.



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